Flesh and Blood TCG

Flesh and Blood (FAB) is a new trading card (TCG). GG Lounge is one of the first local game stores in Portugal to sell the game. We also regularly organize FAB Armory Events, such as drafts and new player days. You can win player mats, promo cards and other nice rewards when you participate.

We sell boosters, booster boxes (displays), single cards and preconstructed decks. Currently we have Welcome to Rathe (WTR), Arcane Rising (ARC), Monarch (MON), Crucible of War (CRU), Tales of Aria (TOA), Everfest (EVR)

We also have Uprising Booster Displays on pre-order.

Contact Us A new webshop is coming in April 2025! Our online store is temporarily closed as we work on building a new and improved webshop to offer you a better shopping experience. Our store & board game café is still open, please visit us to play a game or stock up on gaming supplies. You can also contact us if you have any questions.

Please note that due to this ongoing maintenance many products are wrongly marked as in stock or out of stock.

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